
computer stuff

anonfiles - Anonymous file hosting and sharing service

nirsoft - A bunch of windows freeware stuff

RlVision - More windows freeware stuff

Startpage - Search engine, but actually not dogshit

Internet archive software collection - The Internet Archive Software Collection is the largest vintage and historical software library in the world, providing access to millions of programs, CD-ROM images, documentation and multimedia.

Get started with windows *your* way - various resources about KVM's, ISO's and drivers to download, install and setup windows without giving the clowns at microsoft a cent

DigDeeper @ neocities - Resources on privacy and various other topics


GameCopyWorld - Buncha no-CD/no-DVD patches, trainers, and other utilities for games, but the site is riddled with ads if you don't have an effective adblocker. Still free though!

nintendoemulator - NES and SNES emulator in your browser!

ScapeRune - A private Runescape server version from july 2007, permanently stuck in time without any of the later additions past july 2007. Basically a live time capsule and apparently active as of sep 28th 2021


lawn19 webring @ neocities - A webring directory

Foundphotos - Random photos images downloaded via peer to peer filesharing networks

A mystery! A useful tool for keeping winnie the pooh off your site